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There are 3 items
(D303)Walks Route 1. From Matty'...
Walks Route 1. From Matty's Lane to Bears Paw c.20th century Route 2. From National Children's Home to Church Street in 20th century
(D457)Drawn Plan of Bear's Paw an...
Drawn Plan of Bear's Paw and site of Gasworks.
The Bear's Paw A Brief His...
The Bear's Paw A Brief History

There are 5 items
(B188)-Manley Old Hall - biograph...
-Manley Old Hall - biography of a Cheshire Farm) don by J. Jack)2 J. Astill and J. Jack
(D68)Frodsham Old Hall Brochure ...
Frodsham Old Hall Brochure (original)
Biog. Of Manley Old Hall. A...
Biog. Of Manley Old Hall. A Cheshire Farm.
Ty Gwyn The Old Hall
Ty Gwyn The Old Hall
"The Old Hall Hotel and gar...
"The Old Hall Hotel and garden - 81 Main Street, Frodsham "





There are 5 items
(D619)Flower Cottage - discovery ...
Flower Cottage - discovery of old coat. Article and computer copies of photos.
(D617)Photo copies of old Frodsha...
Photo copies of old Frodsham Library WW2 Ladies Fire Brigade Flower Cottage post cards.
(D586)Flower Cottage c1600 restor...
Flower Cottage c1600 restoration development . Photos of coat c1800-1830 and nails found in roof debris.
The Flower Cottage Discovery
The Flower Cottage Discovery
Discovered Coat c1800-1830s...
Discovered Coat c1800-1830s - and sample of thatching nails etc - found in vicinityof chimney rubble of Flower Cottage, Hillside Road. Date of cottage also under question -c.1600 (in archival box on top of cabinet)

There are 3 items
(D604)Interesting articles/notes ...
Interesting articles/notes - Kelsterbach visit with F H School + photos. " Demolition of Aston Hall. Characters named in 1861 census. Baptisms ,deaths from 1694. Thomas Done inventory" of goods - Cattonhall . Tennis club. Quarter sessions of criminals Runcorn RD hand book. Scouts 1909-1989 pamphlet. Frodsham account from 'Reformatory &Refuge Journal' Photo of Frodsham's oldest residents. Frodsham Post 'Changing Faceof Frodsham 2000. Cutting - 'When Churchill spoke at Frodsham.' Posters. Sketch map of property. Account of R. Weaver freezing 1895. The Friendly Societies. Cotton Memorial in St Lawrence. The castle Warrener from 1583.
The Handbells of St.Lawrenc...
The Handbells of St.Lawrence Church (Photocopy from Chester Record Office )
St. Lawrence Church sketch ...
St. Lawrence Church sketch painting. (Donated by Mr. A.R. Smith)

There are 2 items
(D568)Wills ' copies ' of Stubbs ...
Wills ' copies ' of Stubbs ' Ashley ' deed of E A Wright of Castle Park.
The Ashley Family
The Ashley Family (Gems from the 1891 Census )





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 Marsh Green.jpg)
There are 54 items
(B26)Frodsham & D.L.H.G. D...
Frodsham & D.L.H.G. Discovering Castle Park (2)
(D655)Castle Park House Prelimina...
Castle Park House Preliminary Building Report(Frodsham Town Council)
(D523)Jamie Bruce Lockhart's corr...
Jamie Bruce Lockhart's correspondence ref. the Weaver and the Abbott Wright Families of East Bank House and Castle Park House
(D463)Opening of Castle Park Hous...
Opening of Castle Park House Gardens ' restoration
(D454)Sale of Park Place (Now ...
Sale of Park Place (Now Castle Park House) Deeds and Plans ' Joseph Stubbs Other Lots, Sawmills, Workshops, Stables, Cottages etc. Other Plans, Will and Codicils of Edward Abbott Wright, Family Wills etc. (Black File ' top of filing cabinet)
(D435)Castle Park House and Garde...
Castle Park House and Gardens
(D430)English Heritage listings ...
English Heritage listings Inspector's advice on Castle Park House Building
(D427)Copies - Rejection of Bid...
Copies - Rejection of Bid for listing Castle Park House From Dept. of Culture Media and Sport. Letters sent in support.
(D379)This Deed Castle Park House...
This Deed Castle Park House handover to RRDC (copy)
(D297)Frodsham ' Castle Park Hous...
Frodsham ' Castle Park House Information Pack
(D655)Castle Park House Prelimina...
Castle Park House Preliminary Building Report(Frodsham Town Council)
(D602)Castle Park Reminiscences ...
Castle Park Reminiscences of Walter Ormsby of Fountain Lane + photos
(D568)Wills ' copies ' of Stubbs ...
Wills ' copies ' of Stubbs ' Ashley ' deed of E A Wright of Castle Park.
(D535)Frodsham news cuttings abou...
Frodsham news cuttings about Castle park,Frodsham Fire Station,shops people" "Police Station, Sporting memories, the New Church, Community Centre, " "The marshes, Coronation, Iraq Vigil in 2003. (don. by Mrs. D. Smith)
(D526)T. Booth, Cycle and Motor D...
T. Booth, Cycle and Motor Depot ( 4 copies of A4 ) Castle Park Arts Centre before renovations. Documents from 1700 ref. court case and snippets etc. from Dr. Dodd's notes. (don. A R Smith)
(D523)Jamie Bruce Lockhart's corr...
Jamie Bruce Lockhart's correspondence ref. the Weaver and the Abbott Wright Families of East Bank House and Castle Park House
(D463)Opening of Castle Park Hous...
Opening of Castle Park House Gardens ' restoration
(D454)Sale of Park Place (Now ...
Sale of Park Place (Now Castle Park House) Deeds and Plans ' Joseph Stubbs Other Lots, Sawmills, Workshops, Stables, Cottages etc. Other Plans, Will and Codicils of Edward Abbott Wright, Family Wills etc. (Black File ' top of filing cabinet)
(D450)Castle Park. Letters, Plan...
Castle Park. Letters, Plans and Objections to CP House problem.
(D445)Castle Park Compilation,...
Castle Park Compilation, Copy of Deed of Gift 1933, Letters and Documents prior to restoration of House
(D435)Castle Park House and Garde...
Castle Park House and Gardens
(D433)Documents and Cuttings ref....
Documents and Cuttings ref. to saving Castle Park from destruction
(D430)English Heritage listings ...
English Heritage listings Inspector's advice on Castle Park House Building
(D429)Frodsham - ...
Frodsham -
News Cuttings from Chester Chronicle "Water Supply Problems Harrol Edge Reservoir, Lake Vyrnwy etc. Copy of Deed of Gift of Castle Park 30/03/1933" Sketch of Ancient Parish. Occupation Analysis "Frodsham Census, Surnames " Brief History of Frodsham Article on Clock Makers. Sketch of Delamere Forest Chapter 6 - New Headmasters from 1902 Posters of FHS Speaker Meetings Article on 'The Grand of Frodsham' (in Green File)
(D427)Copies - Rejection of Bid...
Copies - Rejection of Bid for listing Castle Park House From Dept. of Culture Media and Sport. Letters sent in support.
(D379)This Deed Castle Park House...
This Deed Castle Park House handover to RRDC (copy)
(D316a)Frodsham Castle Park ' Appr...
Frodsham Castle Park ' Appraisal and Conservation
(D297)Frodsham ' Castle Park Hous...
Frodsham ' Castle Park House Information Pack
(D32)Frodsham - Castle Park.
Frodsham - Castle Park.
(D9)Castle Park Art Centre News...
Castle Park Art Centre News letters
A Last Look Round Castle Pa...
A Last Look Round Castle Park House (Before it was closed in December 2004 for redevelopment)
Heritage Plaques in Castle ...
Heritage Plaques in Castle Park
Two Clocks Unite... but not...
Two Clocks Unite... but not for long! Castle Park's Clocks Chiming Adventure.
Photographs of Castle Park ...
Photographs of Castle Park Estate in Victorian Times.
Castle Park in 1927
Castle Park in 1927 (Based on reminiscences of Walter Ormsby )
A Last Look Round Castle Pa...
A Last Look Round Castle Park House (Before it was closed in December 2004 for redevelopment)
Selection of 1899 Castle Pa...
Selection of 1899 Castle Park photographs (Exhibition of all the 1899 photographs held at CPAC )
The Future of Castle Park
The Future of Castle Park
1861- When Park Place Becam...
1861- When Park Place Became Castle Park
Castle Park and Frodsham Ca...
Castle Park and Frodsham Castle
"Water Supplies - Castle Pa...
"Water Supplies - Castle Park, Frodsham "("Synagogue Well, etc. ")
Castle Park
Castle Park (A poem )
The Wright Family & Castle ...
The Wright Family & Castle Park
(M32)Copies of Castle Park and O...
Copies of Castle Park and Overton - small maps(J G H Archive)
(M7)Frodsham Castle Park - Plan...
Frodsham Castle Park - Plan of House and Gardens M 8 British Salt Works at Anderton (2 photos)
(Photographic) Archival box...
(Photographic) Archival box - Mounted exhibition photos of interior and exterior of Abbott Wright's Castle Park House, grounds and ground staff.
Small knife found in Castle...
Small knife found in Castle Park House gardens - age and use unknown.
3 portfolio cases of mounte...
3 portfolio cases of mounted images of Castle Park and the 'Then and Now' exhibition of 2000.
(Photographic) Archival box...
(Photographic) Archival box - Mounted exhibition photos of interior and exterior of Abbott Wright's Castle Park House, grounds and ground staff.
CD 68 views of Castle Park ...
CD 68 views of Castle Park 2005 - 2011 (donated by Dr. Kath Gee)
Castle Park Arts Centre dra...
Castle Park Arts Centre drawing. (Donated by Mr. A.R. Smith)
Small knife found in Castle...
Small knife found in Castle Park House gardens - age and use unknown.
Photograph Album of Castle ...
Photograph Album of Castle Park Staff from 1940 - 1974. (donated by Mrs. W Hawkin)
Photocopy of Kemp's Plan of...
Photocopy of Kemp's Plan of Castle Park's house and garden.